Tuesday 22 April 2014

Living in Skopje

Skopje is a vibrant city, with glorious aesthetic and cultural charm. It's pleasant climate and beautiful night life make it exquisite for young people. As significant ancient crossroad in Europe it boasts with amazing artefacts and archeology. Macedonia is the holy grail of Alexander the Great.

Should you have an online job, or your own business that does not tie you to one place, by all means move to Macedonia. You will be living in the middle of Europe on few hours drive to the Greek coast, not far from Italy and all the countries you always wanted to visit. You will live like an Emperor on very little money, with ridiculously low taxes, and you can live comfortably just by renting out a gorgeous property as this one, not to mention enjoy all the amenities of living in any EU metropolis, but without the crime.


Macedonia is mentioned in the Bible thirty-seven times.

Adam from Macedonia or Adam from Govrlevo is a name of a small ceramic figure of male torso in a sitting position, discovered in 2000. in the archaeological excavation at the locality Govrlevo (near Skopje). The figurine dated between the 4th and 3 rd millennium BC represents one of the ten unique archaeological findings in the world. Immediately after its discovery, it received the epithet " Discovery of the Millennium".

In the 50th year after the birth of Christ, the apostle Paul, as a pastor of Christianity, wanted to go to Asia, but as the Bible and New Testament say in "Acts 16:13:" In the night Paul had a vision of a man who stood before him, a MACEDONIAN, who begged him and said: "Gome to MACEDONIA and help us!". Paul then travels to Macedonia and establishes new churches in the cities of Philippi, Ber, Stobi and Ohrid, the trace of Paul's  journey is in the form of a great cross over Macedonia.

The first person baptized on European soil is Lidiya the Macedonian from the city of Thiatir, who sold red fabric in the vicinity of Philippi. It is precisely the red color that is omnipresent through the Macedonian folklore, fabrics, embroidery, and also a symbol of struggle on the flags of the uprising.

The Lesnovo Monastery is the first monastic republic in the Balkans whithin which was literary school "Lesnovski scriptorum" at the middle of the 11th century, as well as a calligraphic  copy school formed in the 13th century. Until the 1940s, the largest library in the Balkans was located in the monastery, with a huge collection of books and manuscripts collected from the earliest times and the most distant parts, and a impressive collection created by the authors from the monastery.

In the foundations of the monastery "St. Virgin Prechista "(Kichevo) is a part of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Part of the cross is also found in the foundations of the monastery "St. Jovan Bigorski ", as well as in the monastery" St. Georgi Pobedonosetz (Victorious) "in the village. Rajchica, Debar.

The oldest university in the world with 3,500 students is the medieval Ohrid Literary School founded in 886 by Kliment Ohridski located in Ohrid's Imaret district.

The Cyrillic alphabet was created in Macedonia. Cyrillic alphabet is used by eight natural Slavic languages: (Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Montenegrin) as well as in many other languages ​​of the former Soviet Union, located in Central Asia: Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

The "Macedonian shooting" is shooting with two guns at the same time. This technique is taught by almost all members of the secret and special services like the FBI and Scotland Yard, the KGB, the NKVD, the FSB

The only European ruby deposit ​​site is in Macedonia. Many precious stones that can be seen in the world catalogs are smuggled from Prilep. Rubies in Macedonia can be found in the foundations of the dolomite marbles, such as the Prilep suture.

The Macedonian Alshar mine on Kozuv Mountain is the only site in the world where thallium can be found, and it is a potential "mine" of ecologically clean energy. Since 2004, the mine is registered as a monument of nature and part of the Emerald network, a network for the protection of natural rarities.Allchar deposit is a low-temperature hydrothermal gold–arsenic–antimony–thallium deposit in Kavadarci Municipality, southern Macedonia. For some time, the thallium-rich part of the deposit was mined. The Crven Dol mine yielded thallium and the ore body still holds estimated amount of 500 t of thallium. The mineral lorandite from this ore deposit is being used to determine the solar neutrino flux.

The world's finest opium is Macedonian. The Macedonian opium is with 14 morph units! The second in quality is the Pakistani with 7 morph units, followed by the Colombian for example which is about 3.5 ME

The most famous of all Roman roads is in the largest part of Macedonia, the road - Via Egnatia. 

Vrelo are two caves (underwater) near Skopje with depth of 230 meters, which currently makes it the deepest underwater cave in the Balkans and the second deepest in Europe, but the depth is not yet fully determined. 

The New York Times is described the Peshna Cave in Makedonski Brod as identical to the fictional caves in the "Lord of the Rings".

The grave of the glorious Greek Zorba is at the city cemetery in Butel. Alexis Georgios Zorba, who was an inspiration for the novel "The Greek Zorba", lived in Skopje, had a wife and children and died in 1942. 

The father of modern Turkey Kemal Ataturk was educated in Bitola, and his father was born in Macedonia.

Macedonian military engineering is legendary. During the time of Alexander the Great series of siege machines were envented, including the catapult. 

Music in Macedonia dates back to the 11th century. The Bologna Psalter is written in Cyrillic in the village of Ravne, Ohrid, and the music sheets are kept in the Ohrid Museum, 14 musical manuscripts dated from the 10th to the 14th century.

The oldest tree in Macedonia Platanus Orientalis in Ohrid is known as the Chinar. It grows from the time of St. Kliment Ohridski, 9th century. 

The most famous hymn of Palestine is actually written by a Macedonian composer, Pande Manoylov, a journalist and writer from Bitola who wrote a song about Palestine in the distant 1982 and published it in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija", which today is the anthem of the Arab world.

The first world gold medal for photography is awarded to the Macedonian photographers, the Manaki Brothers in 1905. They opened their "Studio for Art Photography" in Bitola and participated in the grand world exhibition of photographs in the Romanian city of Sinaia in 1906, where they won the first place and a gold medal for their photographic collection. 

The Neolithic time findings in Madzari, Govrlevo and Grnacharitsa, near Stip, register organized life in Skopje in continuity of  8,000 years.

The first zoo in the Balkans is in Skopje.

One hundred and twenty stone dolls in Kuklica near Kratovo are 10 million years old. 

One of the survivors of "Titanic" is a Macedonian. His name is Stojko Dodolovski from the village of Cucer, Skopska Crna Gora. 

According to NASA, Kokino is the 4th on the list of the oldest observatories in the world . The others are Abu Simbel Egypt, Stonehenge in Britain, Angkor Wat in Cambodia. But less known is Cochev Kamen, near Kokino,  which is 4 million years old and more modern than Kokino.

Macedonia has 34 mountains, 53 lakes (natural and artificial), the oldest in Europe is the Ohrid Lake, which is also the deepest in the Balkans. It is 4 million years old, it holds 200 endemic species, which are of global importance. 

More than 135 million liters of wine, 150 million liters of brandy, 850 million liters of beer are produced annually in Macedonia.

The first railroad in the Balkans, Thessaloniki-Skopje, was built in the 19th century. 

Alexander the Great
Physiognomy of divinity
My bloodline